News & Events

February 10, 2016

Updated Industry and Technology Pages – Automotive, Aerospace, Rugged Mobile Electronics, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles Pages

We are proud to announce that we have posted some updated and revised Industry and Technology pages to!

The new pages have been expanded and edited to include more useful information about each Industry or Technology including additional descriptive language, common industry standards, new photos, and additional links to other pages on our website to learn more about how we serve each market, the technology behind NexTek designed solutions, and other useful info!

Click through to each page below!

The following Industry pages have been updated:

P1 Hybrid


Airliner Taxiing - High Res - CC0Aerospace

The following Technology pages have been updated:

US_Army_M-ATV_and_MRAP_MaxxPro_Dash_in_AfghanistanRugged Mobile Electronics

P1 Hybrid

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

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