FPH Fine Protection (HEMP)

FPH Circuit Diagram

Fast response arrestors are designed to protect radios, electronics, and equipment from fast-acting transient threats such as HEMP, NEMP, HIRF, IEMI, or even ESD (static discharge)

These threat types are much faster-acting than Lightning tends to be, which also means that their frequency content is much higher in the RF Spectrum.

FPH Series Units have been tested against HEMP Test Standards including MIL-STD-188-125-1 and -2, MIL-STD 461, and MIL-STD 464.

When the RF Pass Band requirements of a given system overlap with the expected Frequency Range of Transient Energy from a high-speed transient event, protection of coaxial lines can present a unique challenge;  Pass RF Energy within a band with minimal loss during 99.9%+ of the time, while rejecting RF Energy within the same band during  a Transient Event.

*example product shown

Connector Types

  • N-Type
  • SMA
  • TNC

Frequency Range

  • 1 – 40 MHz

Threat Types

  • HEMP
  • NEMP
  • HIRF
  • IEMI
  • ESD

Design Highlights

  • VHF and UHF Protection

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